Comics Online

To be a super hero should have...

-Capabilities superior to those of ordinary humans, such as throwing energy rays, fly, superhuman strength, invulnerability, telepathy, telekinesis. -Athletic skills, as Captain America or Green Arrow. -Great intelligence, as Mr. Fantastic and Batman.


-Knowledge of martial arts, scientific or otherwise, as Iron Fist.

-One step ahead of his time, as Iron Man.

-Be of natural mutants.

-Getting technology or mystical artifacts, as the ring of Green Lantern, Iron Man's armor or which is made adamantium claws and skeleton of Wolverine.

Why Change the name of "Captain Marvel" to "Shazam"?

Why Change the name of

In the late '60s began to emerge rumors that DC wants to start publishing new Captain Marvel stories. 

At that time Marvel, which has registered the term "Marvel", decides to make his move, because in order to make use of its trademark must publish something with the title Captain Marvel, and only then begin to edit a series probably not for the interest of DC to revitalize their Captain Marvel, I would never have seen the light.


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